Tuesday, December 8, 2009



things eaten today.

1 - bowl of marshmallow mateys

1/2 - twix bar

1 - mini box of junior mints

unknown amount - gummy bears

3 handfuls - goldfish crackers


1 - final taken

1- project completed

7 - pages of photoshop project

3 - finals left

18 - hours i've already spent on campus this week

5 - how many seconds my attention span is

odds and ends.

0 - how many working cars i have

3 - loads of laundry i need to do

2 - games of tetris i've played today

5 - pairs of thermals i have

10 - how many nails i need to paint

>60 - temperature i wish it was outside.

i will always remember this day as the day i finished math. for the rest.of.my.life.

double, triple, huzzah.

with that beautiful news in mind, the rest of the week will be a breeze.
picture found here thanks to one brittany mangelson

1 comment:

  1. You have got to stop hyperlinking me. I'm not that cool. Promise. Here's some good new for you however...I'm pregnant! Totally kidding. But, the real good news is that I've taken the same number of finals, have the same number to take, have the same amount of laundry to do, have the same number of nails {toes} to paint, and lastly, we have the same number of working cars.

    Life is great, isn't it?
    Love your face and body. Must see you soon.
