Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Oh November. Granted, I'm writing this in January February, but November was such a blur. I think that's evidenced in the smaller than normal amount of photos. We did some stuff I guess?

- I turned 28 and instantly started worrying about wrinkles. Is that normal? So far I've only ventured into an anti-aging nighttime moisturizer. Eye cream is next.

- I wasn't feeling a social birthday this year. Instead I took the day off work and basked in being all by myself, totally alone in the apartment. THIS NEVER HAPPENS. It was extremely blissful and consisted of me taking a long bath, watching a lot of netflix, taking a NAP, and grabbing some Oh Mai for lunch. That night we rented a movie and got some Indian takeout. It was a great and awesome and perfect birthday. 

- We had plans to visit the aquarium with our friend Angelie who was visiting, but because of children's opposite nap schedules (aggravated by the fact that Norah didn't end up succumbing to a nap alllll day long), we just walked to a nearby park and grabbed some noodles and co. for dinner.

- We went to the aquarium the next weekend and it was a success! Norah loved the penguins and the river otters. I echo her sentiments.

- Ashley, Jamilyn, Alison and I had a girls night where we ate appetizers and watched both Magic Mike movies. I'm probably in the minority, but I preferred the second one. (I know you were dying for my take.)

- My parents kidnapped Norah for a couple nights (I mean, obviously they didn't kidnap her. But it was their idea and I reluctantly agreed). It was fun and also weird. Brian and I went to a long dinner at Taqueria 57 and ate all the queso, and went to see the new Hunger Games movie. But I also wanted to cry when I got home from work and I couldn't play with my cute kiddo. Alone time is great, but it's never quite the same as it was before we had Norah. Sigh.

- We went to Malad for Thanksgiving and to reunite with our baby child. I barely remember it at this point, but I'm sure it was great and we ate a lot.

- We had a second Thanksgiving with Kay and Andy. See bolded above.

Norah's crazy face is hard to capture, but these photos are somewhat close.

Norah may see me doing this too frequently.
Taking the elephant out for a walk on a particularly nice day. Also a baby in suspenders is kind of the best thing ever.
At the aquarium, creeping on the penguins.

In Malad, with crazy hair.
We had to wake up Norah from a nap to head over to Kay's house for Thanksgiving Part 2. 10 minutes into the drive she still didn't seem to know where she was or what was going on. I feel you kid.

Norah gets so much attention from her cousins. She clearly hates it.
Over and out!

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