Monday, March 3, 2014

February in Review

February was loooooooong. Longer than January. Longer than...other months. (My dead). Instead of waxing poetic on February, I'm just going to dive into what I considered the highlights for the month.

- A temple and In-N-Out date.

- A hockey game and Leatherbys night with our friends.

- Meeting up with my parents for my dad's birthday and a movie.

- An Ikea trip that nearly wiped me out for the rest of the day.

- Getting some stuff done in our apartment! (We figured we've lived there for 7 months. May as well start decorating)

- Celebrating Valentine's day by making sugar cookies and sleeping in the living room.

- Not getting anything done the Saturday after Valentine's Day because it was too enticing to lay in bed in the living room and watch TV all day.

- Having the best pizza at Settebellos.

- Staying at hotel downtown on a weeknight, and taking the next day off work for good measure. (I don't know if it's lame, but we both love staying in hotels soooo much. We also ordered some room service shakes and that was one of the best decisions ever)

- Watching enough of the Olympics that I got sick of it. Also, in case you were wondering, Olympics make great background noise for naps.

- Feeling like we conquered the universe every time we got groceries.

- Eating out way more than normal. I should feel bad but....I don't.

- Last week when the bachelor was on two nights in a row. That show is the most ridiculous, but Brian and I love mocking it (and I always get way more sucked into the drama than I intend).

- Having our friends over for RBFs (root beer floats..) and party snacks.

- The worst thing that happened this month was when a car alarm went off outside my office window nearly every day for over a week.

- The best thing that happened this month was leaving a humorous (by my standards) note on said car, and not hearing that soul-sucking alarm again.

It took five people to even try to finish that thing.
Stripes for days.
The cats feel the need to investigate the tub every time I bathe or shower.
A middle of a fight embrace.
Can you tell we did not have any cookie cutters?

Brian's first ever room service.
He stared at himself for so long he finally had to sit down.

Finally getting stuff up in our apartment! (Oskar was sad)

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