Friday, September 6, 2013

the wedding

wow, i'm really dragging this out, aren't i? luckily, this is my blog and i can kind of do whatever i want. 

moving on.

the wedding day! it finally finally arrived. i woke up and immediately wondered if i would soon throw up. (spoiler alert. i did not) i also went straight to the window and tried to assess if the clouds in the sky looked threatening or not. (spoiler alert 2. it did rain. but through some magical happenstance, not during anything important) 

the whole day (after the initial nausea and rain panic) was soooo so great. here are some of my favorites of those great moments.

- leaving the hotel in my wedding dress and having a little girl in the parking lot stare at me.

- our photographer missy being sooo on board with all my wardrobe choices. having someone make a huge fuss about your dress really does make you feel good. (just an fyi to any photographer friends out there)

- finally getting to see brian. and how calm i immediately felt. (kissing him was pretty great too)

- i'm not a person who loves getting my picture taken. (brian will vouch for this) but getting our wedding pictures taken was sooo much fun. we were just so giddy, and missy was so sweet. we also got to see some friends who were arriving at the temple for our sealing and they were all so excited. gah! i just loved it.

- nervously waiting to go into the sealing room. also, one of the last things spoken before we got married for eternity was a teen girl squad quote. classy till the end.

- walking into the sealing room and seeing some of my very favorite people all in one place.

- how fast we went from not married. it kind of blew my mind.

- kissing twice over the altar and having the sealer comment on it.

- having so many people waiting outside for us. and approximately 500 cameras pointed at our faces.

- hugging my parents.

- getting to see the church all decorated. (i was getting ready and having pictures taken while it was all being set up, so my awesome friends and family did it all. they kick so much ass)

- the ring ceremony! oh man. just every part of it. walking down the aisle with my dad while Quelqu'un m'a dit played, seeing my mom crying, seeing Brian almost crying. having so many people we love there to support us. saying our vows and being presented as the Walkers for the first time, and kissing as Specks started to play. so so so great. (i would relive those 15 minutes a million more times if i could)

- getting more pictures taken, barely having time to eat. (i always thought that was just a thing people said. but you literally don't have time to eat at your wedding! so sad, because we had a million cupcakes and not one was consumed by me) having everyone help move the whole reception inside when it got windy. (and later, down poured)

- the rest of the day was a blur. there was a reception i think? we definitely danced, and i recall needing some guidance on the proper etiquette of cake cutting. pretty soon people were yelling that the sparklers were going to burn out...

and we peaced out. 

gah. i just loved our wedding day (if that hasn't come across yet). it was the very best way to start my life with brian walker. this first year of marriage has been all kinds of great and awesome and i can't wait to see how much more i can love this guy. because it's already a wholes lot.

now i just need to figure out if all these people will come back for an anniversary party so i can actually hang out with them. anyone on board?  

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