Tuesday, August 7, 2012

recent milestones

hellllo married apartment.

oskar getting moving anxiety
- first time signing a lease for a salt lake apartment. (my current place never required me to sign a lease. my landlord might not be the most on top of it person i've ever met)

 - moving brian into our apartment! it took us over two days but we did it! all by ourselves!*
    *brian's friend darren did help us once with brian's tv. he asked us why we hadn't asked for more help and we both just kind of looked at each other. i don't think it even occured to us.

- noting all the firsts in our apartment. first music played (england - the national) first time kissing in the kitchen, first food made (pizza), first time realizing we didn't have a pizza cutter or hot pads...

- buying our first couch! (from a ksl ad, in a somewhat sketchy neighborhood)

- learning how to use a rug doctor to clean aforementioned couch

- going to ikea and buying our first piece of new furniture. (a bookcase for our record collection. and when i say "our", i mean "mostly brian's")

 25 days!!

1 comment:

  1. Yayyy!!! Being married is truly the best. Enjoy all the firsts!! :)
