Friday, March 23, 2012

oskar's triumph

i've started taking oskar outside to enjoy this seasonable weather/run out some energy in ways he can't inside my small-ish apartment.

we started off with a harness. he hated it, and seemed basically horrifed at all the sounds and newness that outside had to offer.

i kept trying, and on wednesday decided to let him off his harness, since he seemed physically impaired while wearing it. (he literally dragged his body up a step after deciding he was unable to jump it)

the first harness-free day he was too afraid to leave the porch, or even jump up on the ledge. he peered off it for a loooong while though.

zoom in for maximum cuteness.
 but look at how brave he was the very next day! he even ventured off the porch to thoroughly smell the grass.

he's growing up so fast.

1 comment:

  1. That picture of him looking over the porch is the CUTEST in the world. And this is coming from someone who doesn't love cats. I like them, but the love just isn't there... Oskar might just change that though.
