Thursday, March 3, 2011

throwback thursday

guys! get ready to be excited.


ok. i'm going to start doing a weekly (or every-other weekly, or whenever i remember weekly) throwback post. and by throwback, i mean old-school memories, not that kind of mountain dew. although that is delicious. this week it's musically based (which may often be the case) but it might also be stories or photos or video. or maybe one day, a beautiful conglomeration of all...


i have an unending respect for the postal service. i was crazy hardcore into this song the summer of 2007, which also happened to be the summer i lived in Connecticut. as fate would have it, two of the lifeguards sang it at the end of the year talent show at the kid's camp i was working at. smitten! (they probably seemed extra awesome in comparison to the high school musical numbers that every single camper performed)

that fall brittany and/or i found this completely amazing cover. i'm fairly certain B and i are responsible for half of the views, and our sophomore roommates started to dread us opening our computers to listen to it...

the violinist pop-in is still my favorite thing ever

oh...memories. i think i'm really going to enjoy writing these posts.


  1. That really was a throwback. All of the sudden I feel like putting on my Ben Gibbard playlist that supplemented most of my senior year in high school and being alternately angsty/full of joy. Also, I love that cover!

  2. That song was on a constant repeat like 24 hours a day for a while.....over kill. And I need to email you a little gem I came across that includes a few quotes between you and gary from our camp days. it's quite the throwback.
