Friday, March 5, 2010


things that start my day off better -
  • when i'm not out of orange juice.
  • when my bangs don't do that fwoop thing.
  • a bowl of cinnamon life.
  • when my outfit isn't dictated by the weather
  • wearing my red sneakers.
  • when my ipod is already on a good song.
i got 4/6 today. not too bad. also. i'm wearing contacts today after two years of solely relying on glasses for my vision needs. things are different. and kind of bright in a squinty-eyed way.

picture found here


  1. What a great list of simple things to make your day go better, haha! Love it! And aren't contacts just a wonder? I love 'em. Glasses are fun too, though.

    By the way, lovin those Polaroid pics on the side of your blog! So clever. And that's one reason why the world needs Lacy.

  2. Love the's very much the Lacy in the morning I remember. Challis is quickly finding out how much having no orange juice in the morning can affect someone's morning.
