Thursday, October 8, 2009

(winter took what summer had to say)

people, places, and things that have recently caused happiness
  • cardigans

  • having people on campus again. it was a lonely four months of summer classes. it seemed that the only two people people walking around were me and a middle aged woman

  • people watching (see above)

  • the anticipation of the new vampire weekend cd

  • people in the computer lab who watch LOST for upwards of 6 hours

  • the man in walmart whose sole purchase was a pregnancy test. good luck, sir

  • the fact that the word "dawg" is still used in passing conversation

  • impromptu road trips

  • the fall, for the brief moment before the leaves get covered in feet and feet of snow


  1. Holy shit you hyperlinked my blog!!! I feel famous. Apparently when I feel famous I swear. Good thing my mother wont read this...

    Also, the pregnancy test man made me laugh out loud. Hilarious? Yes.

    One last also, you are my absolute favorite.

  2. some of those things have brought me happiness too lately!

  3. What wast thou in the computer lab for six hours? Intriguing? Yes.
